Thousands of cherry blossoms float in the tidal basin. I had a 45-minute break yesterday so I hopped on my bike and scooted back down to the Tidal Basin in hopes of catching a shot or two that I'd missed last Saturday. In fact, I was hoping to get a nice panorama of the whole basin, but that turned out to be a fool's errand w/out a tripod. Instead, I got to see the blossoms in a much more advanced stage; some of the trees have already lost most of their blossoms, which is surprising since just two days before they all seemed full and bright. So there's another reason the cherry blossoms are such a big deal—they just don't last very long. Other cool things I noticed about the blossoms: They smell nice, though faint, and the trees themselves are fascinatingly gnarly and twisted.
On a side note: I frequently complain about GW law school as a big, overpriced disappointment, but one thing that's actually pretty great about the school is its location. Being able to run down to the mall to enjoy the cherry blossoms or whatever in a short break between classes? Well, that's just not something you could do at any law school, now is it?