GW students play in a vertical wind tunnel as part of the GW “spring fling” on the quad last Saturday. I assume this wind tunnel thing is supposed to give people the experience of skydiving, but without the plane ride. The students would suit up, then someone inside this bubble would sort of lift them into the airs tream and try to hold them there so they could “float” on the force of the air. I watched for a bit and it looked like a bit of a disappointment since it was impossible for the students to stay within the air stream for more than a second or two before they spun out to the side and fell down. I suppose that alone could be fun, but not really like skydiving. Not that I would know. I'd love to go skydiving, though. Someday.
One thing about this: It was very
loud. Not a very cool thing to have sitting outside the law school when you're trying to study.
FYI: I posted a couple more cherry and magnolia blossom pics on
Flickr, if you'd like to see more of those, plus a couple more spring fling pics. I'm experimenting with posting the same photos here and on Flickr, plus extra stuff on Flickr that doesn't really fit here. I don't know why.