The strings of a baby grand for sale at the GW Music Department last week. I was walking to the library to return some books and saw this sign planted in the grass that read “Piano Sale,” with an arrow pointing to a nearby building. It's not everyday you see something like that (in fact, I don't remember seeing a piano sale ever before), so I followed the arrow to check it out. I also had a brief hope that maybe they were selling keyboards for cheap so I could pick one up. There's no way I could afford a real piano or have the space for it, but I've been wanting a keyboard to learn to play. So anyway, when I got downstairs I was told that the first two days of the sale were appointment-only (mostly for piano dealers, I think), but I could look around if I wanted. So look around I did. There were no keyboards, only full pianos—lots of uprights or consoles (I think that's what the little compact ones are called) and baby grands. In fact, there was a whole room of baby grands, as you can see from the picture at right. I never saw any prices—you had to have an appointment for that. But all the pianos looked brand new (even though they were used) so I'm sure they were going for a pretty penny.