The Snowy Range in southern Wyoming.

The Snowy Range in southern Wyoming. My sister took this picture during a hike we took with my mom in about July or August, 2003, the summer I first moved to DC and the summer before I started law school.

As of today, ambivalent images has existed for exactly two years. I chose this photo to mark the day for a couple of reasons. First, my sister just sent it to me to remind me how beautiful Wyoming is. After two years of taking pictures mostly in and around D.C., I appreciate Wyoming's particular beauty all the more.

But the other reason this is a good 2-year-anniversary photo is that I hope it foreshadows a year of similarly spectacular views. For the last few days I was seriously considering calling an end to this little experiment. After posting one photo every day for 730 days, the whole thing can easily begin to lose its charm. And yet, the very monotony of it, the habit, is what makes it worth doing. And as L. reminded me, the coming year is going to to bring all kinds of change and I'm definitely going to be taking photos of all that, so why not continue posting them?

So, continue I will. At least for now. I'm not sure if I can make it another complete year; once I start working a “real” job I have no idea if I'll have anything to shoot or any time to post. Time will tell.

For now, it's fun for me to look back on the last two years via the photos I've posted here, and I hope you have enjoyed one or all of them and will enjoy more in the future. As I said at this time last year, I'm very thankful to everyone who has visited the site and especially to those who return regularly and who comment now and then. Your comments make the whole thing worthwhile, so keep them coming whenever the urge strikes!

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