One of the coolest apartment buildings on the river in Chicago. This building was featured w/its next-door twin on the cover of Wilco's “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” CD. I also think I spent Thanksgiving in about 1992 on one of the upper floors of one of these buildings. You'd think I'd know whether I actually did that, but you'd be wrong. I was with my girlfriend at the time and we were living in Missouri. She had a friend who invited us to spend Thanksgiving w/her family in Chicago, so we headed north. We got there late at night and after navigating through the city to downtown we ended up inside a parking garage. From there, we moved through hallways and elevators to the friend's apartment up on a very high floor. That's when I realized that we must be in one of these buildings—looking out the balcony you could see such a view! Plus the balcony was rounded, the room itself seemed rounded, so it all made sense. But now, years later, I wonder. Was I really in one of these buildings, or is it just my imagination making it seem that way? The whole experience seems a little surreal, so who knows....