The entrance to the ABA's Museum of Law in Chicago. Did you know the ABA had a museum of law? Me neither. I was just wandering around down by the river and saw a little sign for it through the window, so in I went. I found it to be a relatively small space (one big room in the basement) filled with colorful exhibits about all the U.S. Presidents who were also lawyers. Supposedly that's just the current exhibit, but it was all that was there and there was no indication of the kinds of things the museum had exhibited in the past or will exhibit in the future. Anyway, I wouldn't add it to a tourist itinerary, but if you're wandering around and need to kill a half hour (or if you're really interested in Presidential history), it might be worth your while.
The image at right (click to enlarge) is just an example of the kinds of quotations you'll see painted on the walls in the museum.